Monday, April 11, 2016

Scanning the Brain

The current neuroimaging technology seem awesome reason being it shows the function, the anatomy, function, and the interconnections. The brain is a very interesting place because we can save any piece of info in there and our memory is an infinite amount of space. Social cognitive neuroscientists use this technology to see what the process is in emotion, pain, self-regulation, self-perception, and perception of others.  

The Role of Psychology in Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is equipment that increases the functions or capabilities for people with disabilities. This is cool because it ranges from wheelchairs to text-to-speech systems to reminders for everyday things. Another thing it is used for is cognition which meets the needs of people with cognitive disabilities.

How Psychology Is Adapting To The World Of Tech

It is amazing to me how much technology has molded together with psychology. Virtual therapy is more accessible and convenience since people are always online. Then this shows how much psychology advanced its development of effective treatment and supports access to mental health care.

Technology: Myth of Multitasking

People always think they can multitask everything but in reality it is not possible. Your brain when trying to balance a lot and go to another activity, it is handling too much. There is a lag in time your brain takes to focus on that activity.

Heads Up: They Still Perform Lobotomies

Lobotomies are rarely used in the US because they are negatively known for cutting a piece of the brain out. I find that this technique used to treat schizophrenia and other mental illnesses leave people helpless. They can no longer live independently and are in a vegetative state.

Brain changes seen in veterans with PTSD after mindfulness training

The new method of mindfulness training is showing promise to veterans who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is intriguing because this new technique helps enhance the ability to manage the thoughts if they come up and not get stuck. This will help a lot of veterans cope with what happened in the war and slowly assimilate back into their old life.

Rhythm of oscillations in cerebral cortex, key to understanding Down syndrome

The thing that stood out to me in this was the fact of alterations in the neuronal circuit that impact the cerebral cortex physiology could be the cause of Down Syndrome. A gene linked with this disorder associates with altered oscillations in the cerebral cortex. This cortex is responsible for reasoning, language, and social behavior.

Brain insulin resistance identified as possible new link between Alzheimer's disease, diabetes

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) impairs insulin. This leads to it signaling a portion of the brain responsible for regulating metabolism. Will lead to making a person with AD more likely to develop diabetes.

New EEG Technology makes for better brain reading

EEG’s can help scan the brains activity through electrodes used to find epilepsy. It is amazing this device can detect sleeping disorders like narcolepsy and sleep apnea. I never knew a machine like this could do that.

Electroconvulsive therapy and other depression treatments

I feel this is interesting because the idea that someone can get electric shocks to their head, go into a seizure, and the result is they feel less depressed, which is amazing! This is also the last resort for people if they have tried everything else and it has not worked for them.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I was very surprised that Ashley Payne a teacher had to quit over photos posted on Facebook of her drinking beer in Europe. I feel the school did not have to fire her because she was not promoting anything. The parent who found it did not have any right going on Ashley's Facebook because it was none of the parents concern what she does outside of school. The firing was not legal I think because Ashley should not lose everything because of one picture. This was an innocent thing that the school took the wrong way. If it is a private account then the school should not go through her social media because it is an invasion of her privacy.
This video was very heartbreaking because Glenn Busch who volunteered at coats for kids for 15 years. In the Facebook message he was saying that you cant shoot people you disagree with and Rep Gifford was a moderate conservative. This should not have happened to him because he did not say anything that was bad because he did not offend anyone. Digital footprint is when someone is on their computer looking at things and leaving their emails, Facebook, and social media up for everyone to see. What people post on any social media is not private because the government can always just look people up and find whatever they want. Certain things online should be private from the government because they do not need to know every little thing about our lives. If I was his friend in this instance and he showed me what he was going to post then I would tell him not to post it because even though it was nothing bad, he should not say anything about it because it is a sensitive topic.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016