Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I was very surprised that Ashley Payne a teacher had to quit over photos posted on Facebook of her drinking beer in Europe. I feel the school did not have to fire her because she was not promoting anything. The parent who found it did not have any right going on Ashley's Facebook because it was none of the parents concern what she does outside of school. The firing was not legal I think because Ashley should not lose everything because of one picture. This was an innocent thing that the school took the wrong way. If it is a private account then the school should not go through her social media because it is an invasion of her privacy.
This video was very heartbreaking because Glenn Busch who volunteered at coats for kids for 15 years. In the Facebook message he was saying that you cant shoot people you disagree with and Rep Gifford was a moderate conservative. This should not have happened to him because he did not say anything that was bad because he did not offend anyone. Digital footprint is when someone is on their computer looking at things and leaving their emails, Facebook, and social media up for everyone to see. What people post on any social media is not private because the government can always just look people up and find whatever they want. Certain things online should be private from the government because they do not need to know every little thing about our lives. If I was his friend in this instance and he showed me what he was going to post then I would tell him not to post it because even though it was nothing bad, he should not say anything about it because it is a sensitive topic.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016